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Installing League of Legends via leagueoflegends-git

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What is leagueoflegends-git?

leagueoflegends-git is a helper script for installing and running League of Legends on Linux maintained by /u/kyechou found on Github.

The below is directly from the repo README. Please refer to the Github page for more detailed documentation and support.


Please choose an installation method suitable for your distribution. Remember to check all dependencies are installed properly if it's installed manually.

Distribution Installation method
Arch Linux AUR: leagueoflegends-git
Debian/Ubuntu ./ debian
sudo dpkg -i <deb_file>
Others Manual installation: sudo make install

With package installation methods, packages specific to individual GPUs are not included in the dependencies, even though we do include the virtual packages vulkan-driver and lib32-vulkan-driver in the AUR package. So please be sure to install the packages required by your specific GPUs. For example, Debian testing requires libnvidia-glvkspirv and libglx-nvidia0 for Nvidia GPUs (see #41).


The following dependencies are included in the AUR package and the generated .deb package. If there's anything incorrect or missing, pull requests are appreciated.

For non-Arch distributions, wine-lol is not included in the package dependencies because they don't have those packages for now. So please be sure to manually install wine-lol by either downloading from a release of wine-ge-custom (which is the same as wine-lol-bin), or from a release of lol-for-linux-installer. After downloading the binary release, extract the content to /opt/wine-lol or /opt/wine-lol-staging.

  • wine-lol (please refer to the associated links for their differences)
  • Provider: wine-lol (AUR)
  • Provider: wine-lol-bin (AUR)
  • Provider: wine-lol-staging (AUR)
  • Provider: wine-lol-staging (pre-built)
  • winetricks
  • bash
  • curl
  • openssl
  • samba
  • mesa-utils
  • gnutls, lib32-gnutls
  • libldap, lib32-libldap
  • openal, lib32-openal
  • libpulse, lib32-libpulse
  • alsa-lib, lib32-alsa-lib
  • mpg123, lib32-mpg123
  • unixodbc, lib32-unixodbc
  • vkd3d, lib32-vkd3d
  • vulkan-icd-loader, lib32-vulkan-icd-loader
  • Vulkan drivers for your graphic cards, both 64-bit and 32-bit packages are required at the moment until Riot ships only the 64-bit binaries. For example:
    • vulkan-intel, lib32-vulkan-intel
    • nvidia-utils, lib32-nvidia-utils
    • vulkan-radeon, lib32-vulkan-radeon
    • amdvlk, lib32-amdvlk

The above package names are based on Arch Linux. For other distributions, the package names will be different. Please refer to the documentation of the distribution for installing the correct Vulkan drivers and other dependencies.


There is no need for configuration. You may feel free to skip this part, unless you want to change the install path of the game or where the cache is placed.

The helper script looks for configuration files located at $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/ or ~/.config/, in that order. The configuration file is a shell script and will be sourced before starting the game. You may define any environment variables or run any commands you want, which might be helpful in special situations.

These are the variables that will be explicitly referenced and used: - DATA_HOME: The path where the game is, or will be, installed. (Default: $XDG_DATA_HOME or ~/.local/share) - CACHE_HOME: The path for the cache files. (Default: $XDG_CACHE_HOME or ~/.cache)

For example, if the configuration file doesn't exist or if the DATA_HOME variable is not defined, the game would then be installed at ~/.local/share/leagueoflegends/ by default.


Pre-client-installation checks (Important!)

  • Please make sure you have installed the correct Vulkan driver for your graphics card that you will be using. You can check what is installed with
    ls /usr/share/vulkan/icd.d/

Install the Riot and League client

  • First install the game: leagueoflegends install.
    • Please do not log in or launch the game during installation.
    • If the installation progress stucks at 100%, close the window, and run leagueoflegends install again.
  • Exit the window when the game installation is finished. (The progress circle disappears.)
  • Start the game: leagueoflegends start.
  • Log in with your Riot credentials and start LoL as usual.
  • Once the League client shows up, please try a practice match to make sure everything works.
  • To remove the game: leagueoflegends uninstall.

If you've run wine-lol-staging or other flavors of wine 8.0+ before and now have issues with launching the client (especially if you're coming from version 8 to 7), and it says something about unimplemented function winegstreamer.dll.winegstreamer_create_video_decoder. It's because of the difference in wine versions. You need to recreate the wine prefix for it to work, by running leagueoflegends reset-wineprefix.

If you use Nvidia graphics card and have trouble launching the League client or start the game (after champion selection), please check out the troubleshooting section (#blank-screen-with-nvidia-graphics-card).

leagueoflegends -h can be used to view the full list of options and commands.

[!] Usage: leagueoflegends [options] <command>

    League of Legends - helper program

        -h, --help          Print this message and exit
        -v, --verbose       Enable verbose output
        --pbe               Launch the PBE patchline
        --locale <locale>   Set locale (if different from the region)

        start               Start LoL
        stop                Same as kill
        install             Install LoL
        uninstall           Uninstall LoL
        reinstall           Reinstall LoL
        reset-wineprefix    Reset wine prefix
        replay <path>       Replay match (.rofl file)
        add-dxvk            Install DXVK to the LoL wineprefix
        del-dxvk            Remove DXVK from the LoL wineprefix
        rm-dxvk-cache       Remove DXVK cache
        cleanup-logs        Remove log files
        kill                Kill the wine processes of the wineprefix
        run <cmd>           Run shell command with environment variables

Optimal performance settings

You may need to adjust some settings for optimal performance once installed. Read more in ๐Ÿ“ˆ How to Optimise League of Legends.

Something not working?

Read more on common problems, how to solve them, and other troubleshooting tips in ๐Ÿ› ๏ธ Troubleshooting and Technical Support.